Code of Conduct



A-M ltd. and its subsidiaries and affiliates are committed to

  • A standard of excellence in every aspect of our business and in every corner of the world
  • Ethical and responsible conduct in all of our operations
  • Respect for the rights of all individuals
  • Respect for the environment

We expect these same commitments to be shared by all of our suppliers, agents and other third parties with whom we do business (“Suppliers”). It is our fundamental expectation that all Suppliers meet the following standards.  These standards are a condition for doing business with us, and by furnishing products, goods, articles or services, as well as the issuance of invoices for the same, Supplier is certifying its compliance with this Code of Conduct with respect to products, goods, articles or services referenced in supplier’s invoices, as well as the materials included in such products.  If a Supplier does not comply with the provisions of this Code of Conduct and other Mohawk policies and procedures, we may terminate Supplier’s relationship with us. In addition, there could also be criminal penalties and civil liabilities for violating the standards outlined in this Code of Conduct.


Suppliers will respect the right of employees to associate, organize and bargain collectively in a lawful and peaceful manner, without penalty or interference.

Bribes, Illegal Payments, and Illegal Solicitations

Corruption, extortion and embezzlement in any form is strictly prohibited.  Suppliers will not bribe government officials or others in violation of the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), the UK Bribery Act or the laws of any country in which Supplier does business. Suppliers will not corruptly offer, pay, authorize, or promise to pay money or provide anything of value to a government official to obtain or maintain business. 

Child Labor

Suppliers will not use child labor. Mohawk does not accept child labor and supports the United Nations (U.N.) Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989). This code of conduct is based on the International Labor Organisation (ILO) Minimum Age Convention no. 138 (1973) and Worst Forms of Child Labor no. 182 (1999).

The term “child” refers to a person younger than 15 (or 14 where local law allows) or, if higher, the local legal minimum age for employment or the age for completing compulsory education.  

If child labor is found in any place of production, Mohawk will require the Supplier to implement a corrective action plan. If corrective action is not implemented within the agreed time-frame, or if repeated violations occur, Mohawk may terminate all business with the Supplier concerned. The corrective action plan shall take the child’s best interests into consideration, i.e. family and social situation and level of education. Care shall be taken not merely to move child labor from one Supplier’s workplace to another, but to enable more viable and sustainable alternatives for the child’s development.

Coercion and Harassment

Suppliers will treat each employee with dignity and respect, and will not use corporal punishment, threats of violence or other forms of physical, sexual, psychological or verbal harassment or abuse.


We expect Suppliers to recognize that wages are essential to meeting employees’ basic needs. Suppliers will, at a minimum, comply with all applicable wage and hour laws and regulations, including those relating to minimum wages, overtime, maximum hours, piece rates and other elements of compensation, and will provide legally mandated benefits. If local laws do not provide for overtime pay, Suppliers will pay at least regular wages for overtime work. Except in emergency or unusual situations, a workweek shall be restricted to 60 hours, including overtime, and workers shall take at least one day off every seven days.  All overtime shall be voluntary.  Under no circumstance shall workweeks exceed the maximum permitted under applicable laws and regulations.  Where local industry standards are higher than applicable legal requirements, we expect Supplier to meet the higher standards.

Conflict Minerals

Mohawk is committed to responsibly sourcing raw materials for its manufacturing processes, including gold, tin, tungsten and tantalum (“conflict minerals”).  Accordingly, suppliers are expected to supply materials to Mohawk that are “conflict free,” which means either:  1) any conflict minerals supplied to Mohawk or any of its contract manufacturers must not directly or indirectly fund armed conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) or adjoining countries, or 2) any conflict minerals must be from recycled or scrap sources. Mohawk suppliers are expected to survey their respective suppliers to determine whether the applicable conflict mineral originates from the DRC or an adjoining country and, if so, whether the conflict mineral is conflict free.  Suppliers are expected to timely respond to any surveys or requests for information from Mohawk that are related to conflict minerals that are supplied to Mohawk or any of its contract manufacturers.

Conflicts of Interest

Suppliers must avoid engaging in any business activity that would conflict or interfere with their provision of products and services to Mohawk.

Health and Safety

Suppliers will provide employees with a safe and healthy work place in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, ensuring at minimum reasonable access to potable water and sanitary facilities, fire safety, and adequate lighting and ventilation. Suppliers will also ensure that the same standards of health and safety are applied in any housing that they provide for employees.

Gifts and Entertainment

Solicitation of gifts, trips, cash or other incentives from Suppliers is not permitted under any circumstances.  No Mohawk employee may accept gifts or incentives that could influence, or reasonably appear to influence, his or her decision making.  Cash and cash equivalents (gift cards) are prohibited in all cases.  Any commission, fee, or payment of any sort from a Supplier in connection with work for us is strictly prohibited.  Business lunches, dinners, and similar outings when conducted in the normal course of business are permitted if attending would not influence or be expected to influence the business judgment of the Mohawk employee.

Involuntary Labor

Suppliers will not use any forced or involuntary labor, whether prison, bonded, indentured or otherwise.  Suppliers will not engage in human trafficking or slavery practices of any kind.

Monitoring, Compliance

Suppliers will authorize Mohawk and its designated agents (including third parties) to engage in monitoring activities to confirm compliance with the Code of Conduct, including unannounced on-site inspections of manufacturing facilities and employer-provided housing; reviews of books and records relating to employment matters; provision of reports on environmental and sustainability matters at our request; and private interviews with employees. Suppliers will maintain on site all documentation that may be needed to demonstrate compliance with this Code of Conduct.


Suppliers will not discriminate in hiring and employment practices, including salary, benefits, advancement, discipline, termination or retirement, nor shall any employee be demoted, discharged or otherwise subject to discrimination in the tenure, position, promotional opportunities, wages, benefits or terms and conditions of their employment, on the basis of race, religion, age, nationality, social or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, gender, political opinion or disability or for exercising any rights afforded by law.  Suppliers shall comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations promoting fair employment practices or prohibiting employment discrimination and unfair labor practices.

Other Laws Suppliers will comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including anti-competition and unfair trade practices laws and those pertaining to the manufacture, pricing, sale and distribution of merchandise and the provision of services. All references to applicable laws and regulations in this Code of Conduct include local, state and national codes, rules, laws, and ordinances and regulations, as well as applicable treaties and industry standards.

Protection of the Environment

Suppliers will comply with all applicable environmental laws and regulations and with Mohawk’s applicable environmental initiatives.  Suppliers will strive to utilize resources appropriately and efficiently and dispose of all waste in accordance with applicable laws, rules and regulations.


Suppliers will take appropriate steps to ensure that provisions of this Code of Conduct are communicated to employees, including the prominent posting of a copy of this Code of Conduct, in local language and in a place readily accessible to employees, at all times.


Suppliers will notify us of any use of subcontractors, and such subcontractors must comply with this Code of Conduct.  We support our Supplier’s efforts to purchase supplies and services from certified minority or women-owned businesses, small businesses or businesses owned by socially or economically disadvantaged persons or persons with disabilities.

Workplace Violence

Suppliers will maintain a workplace free from acts or threats of violence and effectively and promptly respond if acts or threats of violence do occur.